Available courses
Students will learn and demonstrate knowledge of research methodology within the criminal justice field. Focus will be placed on becoming acquainted with the range and scope of quantitative and qualitative tools available to the criminal justice researcher.
Students are granted 8 weeks of access to complete this course.
- Instructor: Tanveer Makhani
This course focuses on the many operational issues and statistical processes involved in designing and maintaining a dynamic crime analysis program. The techniques learned will help you and your officers catch crooks and do it more efficiently.
Includes Digital Textbook: Steven Gottlieb. Crime Analysis: From First Report to Final Arrest and Physical Workbook: Steven Gottlieb. Crime Analysis Workbook.
Students are granted 8 weeks of access to complete this course.
This course will provide you with an arsenal of techniques you can use to identify the physical, behavioral, and personality characteristics of offenders who commit the crimes of rape and homicide, particularly serial rape and homicide offenses.
Students are granted 8 weeks of access to complete this course.
- Teacher: Ken Morris
Students will learn techniques to uncover hidden criminal activity; develop, organize, and link disparate data; support emerging and ongoing criminal investigations; and identify the relationships between people, organizations, and criminal events, as well as between finances, proceeds, and assets. Students will also learn how to produce actionable intelligence, how to apply it to criminal investigations, how to deliver dynamic intelligence briefings, and how to present material in court proceedings.
Students are granted 8 weeks of access to complete this course.
- Teacher: Ken Sanz