Crime Analysis Applications
The process of analyzing crime and the incorporation of crime analysis units into the main stream of police operations is still a relatively new phenomenon. As such, few training programs are designed to acquaint crime analysts and their supervisors with the tasks they need to perform when assigned to these units. Fewer still provide any instruction that actually shows them how to perform these tasks. Whether or not your title is "crime analyst," if all or any part of your job involves analyzing crime, forecasting future criminal occurrences, identifying suspects, tracking crime patterns and series, monitoring crime trends, preparing statistical crime reports managing the analysis function or using crime data to support field operations or community policing programs, then this Crime Analysis Applications Training course is for you!This is a 40-hour “hands-on” program that provides you with techniques you can use immediately to solve real-world problems that daily confront crime analysts, patrol and investigative officers, and community policing personnel. This course is presented in a comfortable, easy-to-use online format that takes a "learn-by-doing" approach, and that give you many opportunities to actually perform the tasks associated with crime analysis work. This format of instruction allows for not only a highly interactive exchange between you and the material, but creates a climate which is conducive to the learning process. Translation: You'll learn a lot and enjoy the process! This online course provides you with the flexibility to complete its requirements from anywhere at any time. This course blends effective learning strategies with the flexibility needed by the busy criminal justice professional. An internet connection is all that is required to enjoy the easy-to-use online classroom that presents the course in an engaging and meaningful format. You can complete the program from home, work, or any place convenient for you and your schedule.
You Should Attend If
- You are a recently employed crime analyst
- You are an experienced analyst who has received little of the formal training necessary to fully develop your analytical skills
- You now-or may later-supervise analysis personnel
- You are a community policing officer or other law enforcement official who wants to better use data or improve your statistical skills to increase your effectiveness on the job
- You are a police planner (sworn or civilian)
- You are a patrol officer, community policing officer, crime prevention officer, intelligence officer, investigator, or a patrol or investigative supervisor that acquires, uses, or presents data/information as a part of your job
- You are in the law enforcement profession and would benefit from the knowledge gained in this course
This course focuses on the many operational issues and statistical processes involved in designing and maintaining a dynamic crime analysis program that helps you help your officers catch crooks and do it more efficiently. We'll demystify essential professional skills involving:
Operational Issues
- How to Develop a Crime Analysis Program-And How to Run a Crime Analysis Unit
- The 8 Functions of Crime Analysis-And Which Ones Lead to "Arresting" Results
- How to Identify Existing and Evolving Crime Patterns/Series
- 3 Methods to Forecast Future Criminal Occurrences
- How to Develop Target Profiles and Use Them to Track Criminals
- 2 Ways to Link Known Offenders to Unsolved Crimes
- Community Policing: The Key Role of Analysis in the SARA Process
- How to Turn Data Into Information-The 5 Critical Steps in the Crime Analysis Process
- Source Documents: 3 Types of Offense Report Designs-And Why the Most Often Used is of the Least Value
- Is It A Crime Pattern, a Crime Series, or a Crime Trend? Quick Ways to Tell
- How to Use the Criminal's MO to Detect Crime Patterns and Series
- How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Crime Analysis Unit-And One Common Measure That Should Never be Used
- Resistance to the Crime Analysis Program: Why It Occurs and How to Overcome It
- How to Predict When and Where Criminals Will Strike Again
- How to Analyze Exact-Time Crimes
- How to Analyze Time-Span Crimes
- How to Keep the Boss Happy With Numbers
- How to Calculate "Normal" Crime Levels
- Crime Stats up? Boss Unhappy? Use Boss's Figures and Two Simple Techniques to Legitimately and Ethically Show That Crime Went Down or Stayed the Same!
- Painless Preparation of Crime Summary Exception Reports
- 3 Types of Averages-And Why the One We Learned in School Can Skew Us Up
- 8 Seldom-Considered Factors That Always Affect Your Crime Rate
- How to Properly Prepare Charts and Graphs-Why Overlooking Two Rules Spells Big Trouble
- How to Calculate Rates and Indexes
- How to Present Conflicting Statistical Findings